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Rates of Perceived Exertion: RPE

RPE or Rates of Perceived Exertion: I use a 10 point scale.

0 being sitting on the couch and 10 holding a barf bucket, like blow chow hard.

0 I’m sitting on the couch

1 I am getting off the couch to get a healthy low fat snack

2 I’m walking to the mailbox

3-4 I am riding my bike comfortably, my heart rate is elevated but my breathing is still in control

5-7 I am working hard, I can maintain this for an extended period of time, but it does get harder over time. This is similar to “TEMPO Zone” or Zone 3. I am still aerobic

8 I am breathing hard, and ‘tightness’ is building up in my muscles. This is known to be Zone 4 or LT/MSS. This type of effort improves your ability to process excess H ions, and increase your Maximal Steady State, or old school, Lactate Threshold. Generally 5 to 20 minute intervals.

9 I can maintain for 3-8 minutes. This is MAX but below barf threshold. When doing these intervals you should be teetering into barf threshold and backing off slightly. These types of intervals will be increasing your V02.

10 Barf Threshold, you are literally choking back vomit. This can not be maintained for any extended periods of time, but should be part of every sprint to the line on your important races.